07 Feb. 2021 – Hear now, the new dawn – Gloria Zein
Katalogtext für die 89. Herbstausstellung des Kunstvereins Hannover (2021)...
Katalogtext für die 89. Herbstausstellung des Kunstvereins Hannover (2021)...
The process of sculpture creation includes complex occurrences of decision-making and realization that often remain unconcluded and that extend into the exhibition space. For several years, Gloria Zein has been creating culptural groups from various materials that, in their heterogeneity, appear like active characters. ...
GZ: A sculpture is a body. It’s nothing that exists for itself. It always establishes a relationship to the surrounding space. My project for the Goethe-Institut deals with this specific place, which is neither a gallery nor a white cube. I’ve worked with the facts...
GZ: I’ve been exploring a participatory approach to art making for quite a while. For the Goethe-Institut project I interviewed every employee, from the receptionist, the librarian and cleaning staff to the German teachers, the cultural department workers and the director to understand the structure...
„Do you … believe there is an innocent past?“ steht auf der Zeichnung und schwingt gleichzeitig als Stimmung über Gloria Zeins Rauminstallation „zein’s fiction“....
Allegedly, Siam kings offered white elephants to adversaries, who they wanted to financially (and politically) destroy. Unable to refuse the sovereign’s giant gift, they had to provide for the animal while slowly falling into ruin. What a deliciously elegant, sleeky and despicable gesture. Spitefulness and torture...
Transformation or: Hands and Brains...
GZ: Du hast Dich eingehend mit Foucault beschäftigt, besonders mit seinem wegweisenden Werk "Überwachen und Strafen" (...
Die beiden Begriffe pecunia und pecus gehören etymologisch zusammen und sind ein zentrales Anliegen der Arbeit "du vertige de la contingence" der Künstlerin Gloria Zein für die Biennale 2018 in Melle. Pecunia heißt Geld und Reichtum. Pecus Schaf und Vieh. Das Schaf ist also nicht...